First off I have to say
Happy Anniversary to my husband. Yes, we had our first wedding anniversary over two weeks ago but I wanted to publicly (via Blog)
tell my boy how much I love him before anymore time goes by. He is the best husband and my
bestest friend! He loves me for who I am and I think that our love for one another will just keep getting stronger! It's just like the Ben
Fold's song goes "I am the Luckiest." So, here's to one year my sweets and many more too come! Yes, I had to include pics from our wedding!

And how did we celebrate our blessed anniversary?? Abe and I kind of last minute decided to go on a cruise for our first wedding anniversary. 12 days before to be precise. We loved Mexico for our honeymoon and thought a trip back to Mexico to celebrate our one year would be great. So, we booked a cruise with Carnival, got a flight to Long Beach and set sail August 30 (our anniversary day). We were so excited about the trip because yes we love Mexico and it was my first time cruising. But sadly there was some disappointment that came with our trip... It all started when we went to go check in with Carnival to get our room key. They told us that the
itinerary for our cruise had changed and that instead of going to
Puerto Vallarta,
Mazalant and
Cabo San Lucas.... we would be going to Catalina (which yes is still in the U.S.),
Ensanada (which I like to call
Ensacrapanada), and
Cabo San Lucas. The change of plans
occured because of Hurricane
Jimena which upgraded to a category 3 hurricane that Sunday. I was so bummed about the change... I almost started crying right there! I seriously never wanted to say that I had been to
Ensanada... it's like 40 miles from the border and I have been to border towns before and all I have to say is that is crap Mexico! So long story short... Abe and I still went on the cruise, made the best of what was put in front of us and will never cruise Carnival again.... especially because we found out that Royal Caribbean (who we were originally going to cruise with but didn't because we wanted to see what Carnival's new ship was all about went to all the ports they were supposed to and just went around the hurricane b/c their captain wasn't some lame butt like Carnival's) So enough about that!! Abe and I still had a good trip
despite the misfortune, I mean come on it was still our wedding anniversary! But since this was Abe's third time going to Catalina and
Ensanada I wanted him to have the best time he
possibly could have.

Abe and the airplane we took to Long Beach, CA... can I just say how happy I was that we didn't drive. 13 hours in a car just didn't sound like a good way to start off a cruise!

Waiting for the city bus to get us to the Cruise ship.

On top of the ship while at port in Catalina Island

Abe got a little too close to the fish in Catalina and one bit him... ouch! I guess that is what happens when you take fishy food into the ocean.

Lover's Cove where we snorkeled

Riding the
tandem bike around Catalina... seriously so much fun. Poor Abe had to do the work for the both of us at times... there are some big hills around that city.

Horseback riding on the beach at
Ensanada... okay, so we did for sure find the BEST thing you could do in

Abe playing in the waves in
Fancy night with lobster tails... let's just say I was REALLY looking forward to this night! I love lobster oh so much! and dessert...
mmmm.... cream

Fancy dinner night

Me dancing with our waiter from Indonesia ... Wary was the BEST waiter!!
On top of the ship

Abe loved that slide so much... he even entered in a contest to see who could go down it the fastest... he took second! Not too bad at all.

Me in our cabin just about to go to dinner

Finally making it to
Cabo San Lucas... because lucky for us hurricane
Jimena didn't hit that part of the

Cabo at Land's End on our way out to go snorkeling... one interesting note about that snorkel trip... we got stung by jellyfish... that's right, from now on
i'll be checking ocean water a little more carefully from now on!

I love
Cabo... I could spend a whole week there for sure! If we had had more time we totally would have gone deep sea fishing, I have always wanted to do that.

Us with the fun couple from CA that we sat with for dinner

Us on our last night with our great waiters!

And our desserts the last night too!! I do have to say one of the BEST things about the cruise is the food... it's amazing!

Abe aboard Queen Mary... before going to the airport (to go home) we toured this historic cruise ship which is now a hotel. It is one amazing ship. I don't know how the U.S. scored this amazing wonder but so glad we did, if you are ever in Long Beach it's totally worth your time to tour Queen Mary.

Aboard Queen Mary with the cruise ship behind us