Monday, March 16, 2009

Are you kidding me?? It's still 2009

November 4 was what?? four months ago.... and already our "great" president is campaigning for 2012.
I mean in Minnesota, currently speaking, they are battling over a U.S. Senate seat, leaving them with only one senator. That just shows how recent this last election was. But, Mr. Obama is already back on the campaign trail, forget solving the economic crisis first... he has an election to win (in almost four years), right?? As for the American people we ain't seen nothing yet from our 44th president... Well, other than immediately supporting ALL abortions, throwing federal money at stem-cell research, announcing the closure of Guantanamo Bay next year (note that one was announced before his administration thought out what they plan on doing with all the detainees), a trillion dollar bail-out, stopping the expansion of oil and gas drilling... oh and Mr. Obama using the economic crisis as a pawn for him to make drastic changes here in the FREE WORLD.. meaning a switch to Socialized Healthcare and wanting to throw more money (our money) at attacking this alleged Global Warming extravaganza.
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was quoted earlier this month saying to Europeans.... “NEVER WASTE A GOOD CRISIS ... Don’t waste it when it can have a very positive impact on climate change and energy security... This is a propitious time ... we can actually begin to demonstrate our willingness to confront [global warming].”
I guess it's good to know that Mrs. Clinton isn't shy about using this [economic] crisis to her liking... such as switching the U.S. to Socialized Medicine and throwing money at "Global Warming" ... "Never waste a good crisis"... so classic!
Anyway, back to campaigning too early. I guess it just took me by surprise that while the country Mr. Obama is leading is going through an economic crisis... he is ALREADY out there begging for more campaign money, when many people are trying to just stay afloat. Last election, (2008) many complained about Presidential Nominees campaigning too early... merely three or four years early. But it looks like stumping early will happen ALL OVER AGAIN!! So get your campaign buttons on, your car bumper loaded with stickers, and start shelling out the money to your 2012 Presidential Hopeful... because Mr. Obama is ready for another election and 3.5 years is just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. ya what's up with that... man I really dislike Obama. But I sure love you!!!!! I totally miss you! Let's get together again next time in town! loves
