Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reality Check

Today at work I got an email from my co-worker titled "Reality Check on Debt." Inside that email was a picture of this little girl. That's right it's a reality check. The U.S. owes $1.42 trillion (this according to an AP story from three days ago). That is more than the total national debt for the first 200 years of the Republic, more than the entire economy of India, almost as much as Canada's, and more than $4,700 for every man, woman and child in the United States. That ladies and gentleman is how much money the U.S. needs to pay back! Lovely huh ... while we a regular citizen are expected to NOT go into debt (and if we do there are severe consequences), the Federal Government can spend spend spend as long as they have a freaking printing press! Well one thing I do know, there's no way that this little girls generation will be able to pay all those trillions back... so I guess on to the next generation, maybe.

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