Let me first start off by saying that after Abe told me this story I was laughing SO hard I said, "I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT THIS." He said, "no no no!" But after Abe told our friends Matt and
Faroe about what happened,
Faroe agreed with me ... it must be blogged. And here is how the story goes or at least what Abe told me ....
So a few weeks ago, it was a Sunday mid September, and Abe had just gotten home from work (yes, he works Sunday's and we HATE IT! but we keep saying it's better for him to have a job then no job.) And he came across a cardboard box in the middle of our driveway which probably got blown over from the townhouses that are under construction right next to us. He took the box and walked it over to the big dumpster by the town homes and then decided that he wanted to go look inside them and see how the construction was going. Well, he says that when he was walking the box to the garbage he saw a cop truck parked on the street but didn't think much about it. So as he was giving himself a tour of a town house he heard a loud authoritative voice tell him to, "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" as Abe was putting his hands up he said a k-9 dog then came charging at him straight for his man part hitting him pretty hard... but lucky for Abe the dog missed his area (thank goodness we can still have children) and the dog had a muzzle on.

As Abe was telling me this part of the story I was laughing so hard because not very many people have ever been told to "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" by cop and Abe is one of those curious people and I was thinking oh look how your curiosity got you in to trouble. So long story short, the cop didn't arrest him or cite him for trespassing. And as for the reason why the cop was even in the area? He said that he was checking things out at the town houses because he had gotten a report of kids vandalizing them. The cop also told Abe that he was lucky the dog had a muzzle on because they are trained to attack... well Abe and I are thinking, hello why are you sending a k-9 into a house when you don't even know who is really in it and why are you sending a k-9 in for a situation that involves children. Owe goodness Sandy Police ... if that dog hadn't had a muzzle on and HAD attacked Abe you would be paying us lots of money in damages!! So that's the story, I can't tell it as well as Abe does so next time you see him just ask him to put his hands up and to tell you the story about the attack of the k-9.