Memorial Day weekend and for Abe's birthday (a double wammy) we hopped in the car and headed up to
Yellowstone National Park. It was my third time going to the park and it was Abe's first time. We really enjoyed spending so much time together. It seems like when you work 40 hours a week, and Abe working half days on Sunday, quality time together gets cut in half... so it was nice catching up and doing some exploring. We stayed in West Yellowstone, which is four blocks from the park entrance, at a little hotel which I think is family run. We had a great stay minus the terrible restaurants in that little town.

Our adventures in the park included seeing three black bears (which was my first time seeing a bear in the park), tons of elk and bison, a porcupine sighting and a bald eagle propped in his nest, hiking around numerous geysers and waterfalls, waiting for Old Faithful to go off, a tour of Old Faithful Inn, smelling lots of sulfur and getting rained on. One thing I learned this trip is that Abe loves bison ... he had me take a ton of pictures of them and I kept telling him "what are you going to do w/ all these pictures of buffalo?"

We finished our trip off going to Jackson Lake and Jackson Hole and eating a Bubba's. I love BBQ and they have the best BBQ in the West. It was quite the feast for Abe's Birthday which was on Memorial
